Editorial: Which of my Hives will Attract Swarms. John Phipps, Greece. |
An Investigation into the Life and Death of a Wild Honey Bee Colony. Daniel du Gard, England. |
Learning From Mistakes. Jacqueline Freeman, USA. |
An Octagonal Hive for Permaculture Gardens. Céline Locqueville, France. |
Book Review: Treatment Free Beekeeping by David Heaf (Paul Honigman & J. Haverson). |
Feral Honey Bees in Baja, California. Rosa Maria Licon Luna, France. |
Why Not Start Sustainable Beekeeping by Recycling Your Old Langstroth Hives? John Phipps, Greece. |
Flat wax John Phipps, Greece. |
Pictorial: Bait Hives and Sustainable Hives, a Variation on a Theme. Robin Pigot, USA. |
Preparing bar frame hives for swarms British Bee Journal, April, 1875. John Phipps, Greece. |
The Problem of Keeping Bees in War-Torn Countries. John Phipps Greece. |