Editorial: Beekeeping Sites of Historic Importance. John Phipps, Greece |
Editorial: Bees for Development Journal 146. Nicola Bradbear, UK |
Nature-based Beekeeping. Janet Lowore PhD, UK |
The Scientist and the Beekeeper: the Tale of Varroa-Resistance in Norway. Dr. Melissa Oddie, Norway |
Using Prophylactics for Preventing Honey Bee Diseases. Katrin Sonnleitner and Dr. Johannes Wirz, Switzerland |
Notes from Greece. John Phipps, Greece |
Bees for Development Ghana. Briana Marie, Photographers without Borders, USA |
Apimondia Africa Region. Dr Robert Mutisi, Working for Bees, Zimbabwe |
Beekeeping and Gender Equality in Uganda. Grania Mackie, UK |
More Bees Newsletter. Bees for Development Ethiopia |
Elephants and Bees. Martin Kunz, UK |
Bees and Elephants: the Buzz about Beehive Fences. Kylie M. Butler (MSP, MEnv) |
The Charge of the Drone Brigade. Jeremy Barnes, USA and John Phipps, Greece |
Learning from the Bees. Nicola Bradbear, UK |
Learning from the Bees: a Delegate from Portugal. Deborah Richmond, Portugal |
The Hardest Thing of All to See is What is Really There. Gareth John, UK |
Permapiculture, the Nicarao, the Japanese and the Ciociaro beehives (Part 1). Alessandro Ardovini, Sweden |
News, Events and Courses. Bees for Development |