Inside this issue
Editorial: Insulation and Ventilation; Eco Floors; Bees-at-law; & Bait Hives. John Phipps, Greece. |
Natural Beekeeping and Native Bees. Philip Denwood, UK. |
Winter Management: Using Insulation and Ventilation in Temperate Climates. William Hesbach, USA. |
Eco Floors: Sourcing Materials. Scott Patrick Sailors, USA. |
NBKT Conference, The Netherlands. |
Happiness is A Horizontal Hive. Dean Houghton, USA. |
A Journey into Wonder: A Love Story. Alberthe Papma, The Netherlands. |
The Small Hive Project: A Hobbyist Beekeeping Experiment. (The project initiator). |
Book Review: Bees-at-law, Noel Sweeney LL.B Dip. Crim. I.M.A. Reviewed by John Phipps, Greece. |
Adaptions to the Layens Hive to Provide Better Insulation and an Eco Floor. Jan Schütt, France. |
Features of the Multiple-Storey Bee Hive with Special Frames to give the Hollow Tree Effect. Priyatelenko V.Ya.: Village Zherdova, Kiev District. |
And Is There Honey Still For Tea? Poem by Veronica Soar. |
News and Events. John Phipps, Greece. |